The Norah and Dad Show
A college student and her dad discuss life and all that goes with it.
The Norah and Dad Show
Two Out of Three Ain't Bad
Norah and Dad (and the rest of the family) are about to embark on an exchange student experience. We share the details. We also talk about our recent weekend in Philly visiting the grandparents, which involved lots of eating at the Reading Terminal Market and Jay's Steak and Hoagie Joint (big props for the excellent gluten free cheesesteaks).
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Intro music written and performed by norah marie.
Hey Nora.
Dad:Hey Nora,
Norah:Hey dad. Do you know
Dad:do you know why I don't like German sausages?
Norah:Because they're
Dad:Cuz they're the worst.
Dad:How did, how did that
Norah:one of your better ones.
Dad:did, how did one of my better ones? I thought so too. Did you see there was a.
Norah:that said
Dad:said that, um, that dad jokes, uh, help kids develop into healthy
Norah:sent it to me. Yeah, I know.
Dad:Yeah, I know. Did you see that though? Did, did, did you read
Norah:read it, but I saw it. That,
Dad:that, um,
Dad:fathers, this is what the study concluded, that fathers who embarrassed their children with unfunny jokes teaches'em how to overcome awkwardness and show your children that embarrassment isn't fat.
Norah:you definitely,
Dad:How do you like that?
Dad:How you like them apples?
Norah:don't know, what are we, uh,
Dad:are we, um, what are we gonna talk about this week?
Norah:about exchange students. Welcome back to the
Dad:Welcome back to the Nora and Dad Show. Uh, it's been a bit since we recorded because, uh, why has it been a bit, since we recorded, um, a new episode? I guess we stink and aren't as reliable as we thought.
Dad:to be, but,
Norah:But I guess
Dad:but I guess since this is free and no one's paying us to do this, I guess at the end of the day, you know what the heck we're gonna record when we, when we wanna record and bring you new episodes when we have something to say. So, and this week we have something to say. Um, welcome back to the Nor and Dad show. I am as always, uh, dad and I am here with, uh, the lovely and talented. What's happening, Nora?
Norah:much. It is spring break. I am happy.
Dad:Yeah. How's your, how's your, how's your spring break going? You, you're blessed with not just one week of spring break, but two weeks of spring break every single year. They give you two weeks off for spring break, which is crazy unheard of.
Norah:I'm okay with it. You're okay
Dad:you're okay with the spring, with the two weeks of spring break.
Norah:though in comparison to other schools. I think. I guess
Dad:I guess so this, this year is kind of a boring spring break
Norah:we went to Philly.
Dad:gr gr Well, yeah, we don't have grand vacation planned because we're doing our grand vacation when school's out in June, um, for Portugal. But, um, uh, but yeah, we, we did just return from Philadelphia, which was a nice, which was a nice.
Norah:It was, it was great. Yeah. Not a
Dad:Yeah. Not a super long visit with the grand per, with the grandparents. Um, but we crammed a lot in, in, in like two
Norah:did. We,
Dad:We, what did we do? We went down to the Redding terminal market to get, um,
Dad:uh, to get food primarily for your brother because he's gluten-free and they have this stall there with the gluten-free corn dogs and funnel cakes that he really can't get anywhere else. And so he was very, very, very happy,
Norah:I was happy with my meal too. Your lobster,
Dad:your lobster mac and cheese.
Norah:Mac and cheese. Yeah, I have a Turkey
Dad:Yeah, I had a Turkey sandwich. That was fantastic. You accidentally fructose yourself.
Norah:Yeah, it's okay. Uh, bass ice
Dad:uh, Bassett's ice cream, which is really like super, it's like the, the original like craft ice cream in the us Like it's, before there was Mitchell's or Jenny's or any of the other like super craft ice cream places, there's was Bassett's that's been around like forever. Um, and who would've thought that they would put high fructose corn syrup in their ice cream? But you fructose
Norah:Yeah. Yeah. So, and then,
Dad:and then
Norah:yeah, that was Friday
Dad:Friday and then Saturday your mom and I took a ride in the very damp and cold rain to go watch your cousin, uh, Robbie, who's at the Naval Academy, um, Roe, he's on the rowing team. And, uh, we went up to Princeton to watch him row. Um, you hung back, uh, with grandma and grandpa and then. Um, the gluten-free food Fest continued with, um, with cheesecakes on, uh, Saturday night with, from a place in, uh, not far from grandma and grandpa in Langhorn, pa. Um, I think it was called, I think it was called Jay's. Does that sound right?
Norah:uh, yeah, it was Jay's joint. Yeah, Jay's,
Dad:yeah. Jay's like Jay's joint steak and Hogans that not only has gluten-free cheese steaks, but I think they have like a, an entire separate.
Norah:like an entire
Dad:an entire separate gluten-free kitchen that does, uh, everything on the menu. You pretty much was gluten-free for the most part. And, um, they had this enormous, like gluten-free pretzel roll. It must, it must have been an 18 inch, it must have been
Norah:It was huge.
Dad:But your, your, your brother, he ate the whole thing and he was in an absolute glory. So, uh, big, uh, I'll, I'll drop a link in the, um, in the, In the show notes to Jays, but it was, I, I had a full gluten cheese steak and it was also really, really good. So if you're in the Bucks County PA area or find yourself passing through, uh, I give Jays uh, two big, two big thumbs up. Your brother gave it two, two really big thumbs up.
Norah:their wings are really good too.
Dad:to Jays. We.
Norah:Yeah. Yeah.
Dad:Yeah. Yeah. Kudos DJs. We appreciate you. Your wings look good. The fries were, I mean, nothing there was, I mean, it wasn't, it wasn't what I would call healthy food.
Norah:They had, their salad was good.
Dad:and, uh, your, your brother hasn't eaten in two days since I don't think he's been super hungry. after he stuffed himself with that giant sandwich. Uh, but yeah, but we were, the, the food was, I, I, no, no complaints. Big, big thumbs up. Uh, big thumbs up to Jay, so I have to call and find out where they get those gluten-free pretzel rolls from. We're not, if anyone knows, send us an email, um, at, uh, uh, noran dad show gmail.com. But, um, we, um, Would love to find out where they get those pretzel rolls from and either buy them off of them or have them shipped to us or something. Cuz they were, I tried it, it was really, really good. Would not have known, it was not have known it was gluten-free. So like most trips into Philly, it revolved around food. Um, I got to take grandpa. I got to take grandpa to his radiation. That was really cool. I mean, for him it was a cool experience for me, not for him, cuz he had to go through radiation, but, um, a, a cool experience for me to get to take him, um, and Tamara's his last treatment. So, uh, I know they listened. So, um, yay Grandpa, we love you and we're glad that your treatments, um, are over and I'm glad that I got to at least, uh, have the experience of taking him to one of
Norah:and I got to go prom dress shopping with. So when you came
Dad:When you did go prom dress, you, you went successful prom dress shopping with grandma. Yeah. Yeah. Very successful. So the,
Norah:There will be no
Dad:there will be no pictures shared until said prom in
Norah:Yeah. It's gonna be a surprise.
Dad:s. S. So we don't ruin the surprise for, uh, for the boyfriend, uh, who you wanna surprise with the dress. But I, I saw the picture and you looked, I mean, you're, I mean, you're my daughter. I think you always look beautiful, but you looked, you looked beautiful in the dress. It was, it was a really, it was a really, really good dress for you. So I can't wait to see, uh, see it on you, um, uh, officially. Uh, at prom or at prom, prom night. Anyway.
Dad:Yeah. So, but that's, um, that's what's been going on with us. But the big news in the Hyman family is that we're, um, we're adding a child.
Norah:Don't say it like that. What you think like that? I dunno. I feel like that sounds weird.
Dad:We're, we're, we're adding a child where we have decided to embark on an experience with an exchange student for the, uh, upcoming school year for the 2023. Uh, right now, just the fall semester 2023, um, school year. Um, she is, well, let's, let's back up. We, this will not be our first exchange student experience. We, uh, had this experience nine years ago. You were in second grade.
Norah:Right? Mm-hmm.
Dad:Right. Um, with, um, our, our German daughter, Sarah, who we, uh, loved to death and had, uh, an incredible, um, Year with her, uh, uh, living in our home and we have since been to Germany to visit her. And she's been back here to visit us and mom was over in Europe for work a couple years ago and connected with her and her family. And so we have done a really, really good job over the last nine years of keeping that relat. Uh, keeping that relationship going. And, uh, when I say that I love her, like one of my own kids, I, uh, that's not an exaggeration. I, I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I really do. I do think of, I think of her as my third kid. Um, and we decided when she left us nine years ago, that we weren't gonna do an exchange student experience again. That she was, it was too good of an experience that we didn't. We didn't wanna risk having a bad experience, and we also didn't want to, we really didn't wanna be disloyal to her by doing it again. Um, and so we, for the last nine years, even though the school has asked us, I think once you're on the list, you're on the list and the school's asked us, uh, numerous times if we would take another exchange student. Um, we have consistently said no.
Norah:and then
Dad:and then we started thinking about it. Um, maybe a year ago we started thinking about it, whether we wanted to have that experience again. But with Covid, we weren't quite ready to take someone into our home. Um, but now we are. They, uh, uh, we saw an email that came through from the school a couple weeks ago
Norah:with a list
Dad:with a list of, uh, students. Uh, you know, they give you like their first name and a bunch of information about them, and one kind of struck both your mom and me as someone who would be a good fit for our family. So we decided we were gonna, we were gonna jump in with both feet and do this again. So are you, are you excited to have a, another
Norah:I'm very excited cause I get to be the older sister this
Norah:Oh, that's right.
Dad:right cuz the, the, the student that we're, that we're taking on is in 10th. She'll be in 10th grade. You'll be a senior.
Norah:know. Yikes.
Dad:Yikes. Um, your brother will be a freshman. So we'll have a ninth grader, a 10th grader, and a 12th grader all in the upper school. Um, yeah, you will be the, you will be the older, the older sister. That's way different cuz there was a,
Dad:A huge, a, a huge age gap. There was a, an eight year age gap, um,
Norah:yeah. Eight year age
Dad:yeah, an eight year age gap between, um, you and Sarah when we lasted the exchange student thing. So, um, so you are, are, are you ready to show someone the ropes of what it's like to be a, a high school student in America?
Norah:hope so. Um,
Dad:Um, yeah, so it's, it's really exciting. We haven't met her yet. The, uh, representative from the.
Norah:uh, school
Dad:school slash exchange agency. I think she pulls double duty, uh, was here last week to take photos of the house. Um, while we were on our trip to Philly, I saw that our application status had moved from. Or like applicant to approved or pending to approved or whatever. So I think it's now, I think it's just a matter of connecting us, uh, officially with her so we can, um, like Zoom or FaceTime with her. So we get to actually meet her and talk to her. Um, and, uh, and then before you know it, the summer will be over and. We'll be, uh, waiting at the bottom, bottom of an escalator at the airport, uh, to meet someone in person. So, I'm, I am, I am really super excited for
Norah:I'm more. you're more excited
Dad:You're more excited to have a, to have a sister.
Norah:it, it it
Dad:It, it it is, it is actually, it is actually really cool for you because you'll be, um, able to do like activities together at school. You'll be, you, you'll be able to, I mean, really have someone, you know, close to your age to share that high school experience with, um, that also lives in our home, I think, or will live in our home. I think it'll be really, really cool for you.
Norah:I'm excited They,
Dad:they, uh, uh, she's only committed for a semester. Uh, what we were told was that a lot of times they only commit for a semester because they're nervous about coming overseas and they don't want to commit for a year not knowing what, what the experience will be like. And so I am, uh, but last year or this year, for example, they had three. Students that committed for a semester and
Norah:No, only with.
Norah:Oh, only two. I
Dad:Oh, only two. I thought I heard. I thought I
Norah:no, one of them was my advisor and he's not here anymore. Okay. Well,
Dad:Okay. Well, two outta three. Two outta three ain't bad. As the song goes, so.
Norah:All right. So,
Dad:So, um, all right. Well, hopefully, uh, it's a, a good experience for her and she wants to come and, and stay an
Norah:I think we're pretty
Dad:see how it goes.
Norah:Yeah, I
Dad:Yeah, I think so too. Maybe, maybe we'll have to have her on as a guest on a future episode.
Norah:I mean, we don't, we're not, I don't know. I feel like we're not that difficult.
Dad:No, we're not. I don't, I don't think we're that difficult at all. I think we have a very nice welcoming and open home for people to come visit and or live in for. Uh, For four or five months is, um, cuz her bedroom is the, or the room that will be her bedroom is, is the guest bedroom. Um, and so that's, it was, um, we've called it Sarah's room since she lived here nine years ago. Uh, we'll probably have to scrap that name at least in the short
Norah:no, it's Ryan's room,
Dad:is that, yeah, that's where Ry, that's where Ryan stays when he's over. Is he prepared to give his bedroom up for a half a year or,
Norah:just gonna move the, the couch down to the basement and then I'll sleep in the basement.
Dad:And he'll, he'll, he'll have to sleep in the basement
Dad:and watch Donovan play his video games until three o'clock in the morning.
Norah:No. He says we need to get blackout curtains for that room though before she comes because he's been making
Dad:Oh, we can
Norah:curtains to be able to sleep.
Dad:No, no, we can, yeah, we can definitely do that. We have the lights that lay that fa, that that room faces the front of the house. And we have the, since, um, since Russia invaded Ukraine, we've had blue anda lights out front illuminating our house in support of, in support of Ukraine. So, uh, we'll have to the, the, the lights aren't going anywhere, so we'll have to figure out a curtain situation for that room.
Norah:curtains work cuz Ryan, Ryan makes
Dad:All right.
Norah:ones with sheets. So,
Dad:Uh, yeah, I noticed, I noticed that when I was cleaning a couple weeks
Norah:Otherwise you can't sleep
Dad:Uh, well,
Norah:Such is
Dad:such is life. So that's the, that's the big, that's the big news that's going on in our house. We'll, uh, update everyone, I guess as we move through the process. And maybe we'll have a guest, uh, a, a guest with a German accent on at some point, uh, at some point in the future episode. So, All right. Um, as far as the rest of your break is concerns, uh, we're going college, college shopping tomorrow?
Dad:Yeah. College shopping. Well, I guess to by, by the time this airs it'll be today, Tuesday. We're going college
Norah:I'm excited. Yeah. We're gonna go
Dad:Yeah. We're gonna go look at where, where, where are we going to look?
Norah:State in the morning, in Bald Wallace in the afternoon. Right.
Dad:Rights. And then we'll do some out-of-town visits later on in the spring, um, at some other schools. And so that's, that's Tuesday. Uh, you have a gig Thursday at, uh, your,
Norah:guess, place of employment,
Dad:um, your y your play, I was gonna say like your home bar, but like your, your, your home base, your place of employment at the old wine cellar. Um, and that's the first. Like many
Norah:mm-hmm. And then the week after
Dad:go to
Norah:um, at the Front Street Social in Bura.
Dad:Front Street Social where you played a couple of
Norah:they asked me back immediately,
Dad:Yeah, you had a, you had an encore and then were immediately asked back to come play another gig. So that was a super successful night. Um, and then gigs kind of all throughout the summer, so go to Normy Music. Dot com slash gigs for all of the information where you can find, uh, miss
Norah:some on the east side, some on the west side,
Dad:Yeah, all over. All over Northeast. All over northeast Ohio. Um, yeah, this summer, east side, west side. Uh, if you got the side, she's got the guitar and the amp to give you music. So,
Dad:uh, all right. anything anything else you wanna add?
Norah:Um, not particularly. All right.
Dad:All right. Well then, my dear, uh, we're gonna call it an episode. Uh, I'd say we'll see everyone back in two weeks, but at this point, I mean, who the heck knows? It might be two weeks, it might be three, it might be a month. We're gonna, we're gonna give it the best shot. But it might be, you know, I think when we, when we feel like we have something to say, I think we'll be, we'll be back to say it. And maybe we're not gonna try and force an episode every two weeks if we don't have, um,
Norah:talk about. Yeah. Fair. Fair. All right.
Dad:All right. Um, everyone have a great week. We'll see everyone back, uh,
Norah:whenever. Yep. In the,
Dad:um, in the, yeah. In the meantime, Nora, where can people find
Norah:You can find me at Nora Marie Music, nor with and h and yeah. Now you can find
Dad:Uh, you can find me at John Hyman, no, h j o n h y m a n. And, uh, we'll see everyone back, uh, whenever. Love you,
Norah:you too.