The Norah and Dad Show
A college student and her dad discuss life and all that goes with it.
The Norah and Dad Show
You Say You Want A Resolution
Norah and Dad recap their 2022 holiday and share their goals for 2023.
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Intro music written and performed by norah marie.
Hey Nora. Did you hear about the guy who started making breakfast at midnight on December 31st?
Norah:I did not,
Dad:He wanted to make a New Year's toast. Do you get
Norah:unfortunately. you have?
Dad:eat cuz Cuz you like eat toast for breakfast.
Norah:got it.
Dad:So it's like a New year's toast cuz it was
Dad:What are we gonna talk, what are we gonna talk about
Norah:That's a great question. What are we gonna talk about this week?
Dad:Should we maybe, maybe we should, maybe we should just kind of, since it's been a few weeks, maybe we should just kind of catch up, talk about our, our holiday and our New Year's. How's that? How's that work for you? Awesome. Here we go. Theme music. What is happening? Everybody, welcome back to the Nora and Dad show. I am as always dad here with Nora. What's popping? Nora?
Norah:much school tomorrow.
Dad:You are Nora. Yeah. You are at the end of your marathon if I'm doing the math right. It's a seven 17 day break. Is that right?
Norah:Wish it was longer.
Dad:If you include like the
Norah:it was shorter.
Dad:is, is, is that right? You wish it, you wish it was
Norah:I wish it was shorter. I wish school started out just
Dad:and shorter.
Norah:o'clock and then I wouldn't need a break. I'd be happy
Dad:Oh, because you, because you like your sleep.
Norah:I think most people do. I don't think that's an uncommon thing.
Dad:So back to school. Well, by the time this drops, you'll be back in school. So back to school on Tuesday after a long a a long, 17 days off. Did you enjoy your break?
Norah:I did enjoy break.
Dad:We do have mock trial stuff coming off. I mean, you're busy when you go back between mock trial and musical. The new musical is starting and you're what? You're in the pit and you're in the cho.
Norah:I get to be on the stage playing guitar. I'm very excited.
Dad:Yeah, and mock trials and, and mock trials coming up and, and then just generally just back to school with with just school stuff. Did you did you enjoy your 17 days off?
Dad:So give me, I don't know. Give me like your top three highlights of your, of your winter
Norah:We didn't really do much
Dad:do anything super exciting. We just kinda, we just kind of laid, we just kind of laid around the house. But gimme your, gimme. Like when you look back, gimme like the three things that stick out in your mind as like the three
Norah:Oh, I feel bad though, cuz most of them are gonna include just Ryan
Dad:Oh, well
Norah:I really liked art when we went out for our anniversary. That was really fun.
Dad:How many, how, how, what, what anniversary was this? Two weeks. Two months. Two decades. Two years. Jesus.
Dad:Okay, so you, so you went out, so you went out for your anniversary your two year anniversary. Give me, give me highlight number two.
Norah:I liked, oh, that was Thanksgiving. Nevermind. Have we done one since? Yeah, we did one since Thanksgiving winter break. I liked looking at
Dad:I stumped you.
Dad:That was fun. We did that on Christmas Eve. We always spend a night driving around looking Christmas lights. We did that on Christmas Eve this year. That was, we got our annual Starbucks and then drove around and looked at, looked at, and we get Starbucks more than once a year, but we, our annual visit to Starbucks slash look at Christmas lights all at the
Norah:and this year we did it on
Dad:All right. That's two
Norah:which you normally don't
Dad:on. I know.
Norah:And I enjoyed.
Dad:And then give me, give me number
Norah:New Year's Eve. I enjoyed hanging out with Ryan's family. Oh. Plus playing my show that like, just like New Year's weekend
Dad:on New Year's Eve and playing your show on the 30th.
Norah:And watching
Dad:All right.
Norah:I love hockey fights.
Dad:you were baptized in the world of hockey fights, albeit like it was a minor league hockey fight, so I'm not sure that
Norah:It was pretty epic
Dad:What, what made the hockey fight so
Norah:guys stole the other team's helmet and threw it into the crowd. That's such a power move.
Dad:That's typically not allowed. They typically don't like it when players throw things,
Norah:Oh, they, no, they were not a fan of it. He got
Dad:Into the, into, in, into the crowd. Yeah. That is usually yeah. That leads to like fans getting concussions or at least like spilling their beers. They get out of the way and they don't, the teams typically don't like when players
Norah:Well, this player did it and it was awesome.
Dad:There was a famous hockey fight back in Seventies where it was like a bench clearing, like bo all the benches cleared and everybody came onto the ice and everyone was fighting. And then the fight actually went into the stands. The players climbed over the boards, jumped into the stands and started fighting. Like in the stands, I think like the, one of the players like assaulted one of the fans who was giving him a
Norah:that doesn't sound very
Dad:be the most famous. It might be the, well, not, not for the fan, it might be the most famous hockey fight of all time. But you should, you should, ah,
Norah:I bet it was in Philly
Dad:it was, no, it wasn't in Philadelphia. I wanna say it was the Toronto Maple Leafs and the New York Rangers. But I could totally be making that up. That's what my brain tells me. But I could totally be
Norah:someone will fact check you.
Dad:But if you well, yeah, I mean the internet can fact check me, but you should, you should go on YouTube and just search for famous hockey fights and just watch in all their glory. The fights of just guys. Yeah, the, it's not as bad as it used to be. They used to, like, there used to be guys that were getting in like multiple fights per game, and that's all they did. They like, they were like on the team just to have fights. They
Norah:And those are
Dad:they don't really do that anymore. They're trying. They were tr no. Well, they, they were the most entertaining players. They're trying to discourage the hockey fights. Now, the, the hockey, they don't think fighting is as good for the games. And them try, they, they try to discourage it even though the fans including apparently 16 year old girls like
Norah:only reason I went to the game. Yeah, no, and I think the same
Dad:There you
Norah:and I were talking about it cause he doesn't like hockey besides the fights either
Dad:Hockey's a beautiful
Norah:when there's fights,
Dad:Noah you started wording
Norah:that's the, that's the only time in the game I understood what was going on. It moves too fast.
Dad:It does move. Hockey does move really, really, really fast. And if you don't have a really firm understanding of the rules it moves too fast to really follow what's going on that I agree with you, but I'm happy to sit down with you and watch a hockey game and explain the rules to
Norah:but that takes too long. I'd rather just be oblivious and enjoy the parts.
Dad:and just, and just enjoy the fights
Norah:I enjoy the simple things in life.
Dad:Oh man. What about changing topics from hockey fights? How about Christmas gifts. What are your, what, what? Not to make Christmas
Norah:Well, it is
Dad:but what, what, what gift, what, but what gifts stand out in your, like, in your brain as like your, the favorite of the gifts that you, either, that you gave or received. We talked last time about favorite gifts if you, that we g given or received in the past. What about this Christmas? What's the favorite gift that you either gave or received for
Norah:I was a big fan of, Hmm. I'm trying to think of the gifts. I. I really like the sweatshirt that I gave Ryan
Dad:And what was what, what made that sweatshirt so special?
Norah:here, so it was like an extra Christmas
Dad:since, since nobody listening can either say it or knows what, or knows what you're talking about. What's that?
Norah:with the frog on, wearing a top hat. It says Man's best friend and I thought it was. And Ryan really likes it and like hasn't taken it off since I gave it to them. So I liked that. And my favorite present I've received was probably, I really liked the sea turtle I got,
Dad:The sea turtle was, the sea turtle was pretty darn cool.
Norah:For the listeners, I will explain. So it's this company that they, you can adopt a sea turtle and the money that
Dad:You did, not just you, you, we, we did
Norah:No, the money that you pay, like that you give to the company, goes to an actual sea turtle and then you received a stuffed animal. Sea turtle. But if you like tap the stuffed animal with your phone, it'll send you the sea turtle that the money went to. So yeah, I have a little, little pet sea turtle just roaming around.
Dad:Can you track it? Does it give you like a map of where the sea turtle actually is at the moment?
Norah:Let me go tap my sea turtle. I will be right back.
Dad:if it was, if it was just like a, if it was just like a picture of the sea turtle, what's his name? Mike Leonardo Michelangelo. Leonardo, I don't know if it was just a picture of Leonardo or a video of Leonardo or they give you a map.
Norah:tap him and see what's on the website.
Dad:they give you, if, if they give you a map that shows you like exactly where in the world this, this sea turtle is.
Norah:phone is up to him. I don't really understand how tapping things work though.
Dad:N nfc nearfield communication.
Norah:to me. Okay, Sam, the sea turtle.
Dad:your sea turtle your, your sea turtle emits some kind of frequency that your phone, that your phone? No, oh.
Norah:though? Does it matter where?
Dad:I, I, I don't know the answer to that question. It's not my sea turtle.
Norah:Well, I've visited the website before, so maybe I just go to my history.
Dad:the world. The world will never know if you get a map showing where Leonardo the sea
Dad:or it's just a picture of a random turtle. That may or may not be the turtle that you're actually tracking
Norah:go to my history? Yeah.
Dad:because they could really just show you a picture of like
Dad:and you would have, and you would have no, it could be like it could take you to the Wikipedia page for sea turtle and you
Norah:will be a little suspicious if they took me to the
Dad:But maybe just ev, maybe it just goes to the same webpage for every, maybe everybody's turtle is named
Norah:no, there's a, there's a couple
Dad:and there's just one and there's just one, and there's just one turtle that gets tracked.
Norah:hope not.
Dad:How awful would that
Dad:That would be like a
Norah:Oh, okay. I got it. My sea
Norah:I don't, there you go.
Dad:So now the question of the hour is, is there a map or is it just picture of
Norah:reading more and supporting. He is turtle patient 1 78
Norah:Oh Dad, he has, he ha his birthday is the 14th of February.
Dad:Oh, the day after mine. How cool. We should have a birthday party for Leonardo
Norah:and he's a baby. He was born he was just born last year. His birthday's
Dad:Oh well he has a long life ahead of him cuz sea turtles
Norah:Oh, and then there's a list of everyone that adopted him. No. There's a bunch of people who are taking care of him.
Dad:This gets, this gets much less
Norah:No, I like it. Did, is it under my name or your guys'?
Dad:It's under, I don't think it's under anybody's.
Dad:Maybe, maybe, maybe you have to register your turtle so your name shows up. Maybe you should have, maybe you should have investigated this more.
Norah:Oh, he was sick and now he's able to eat.
Dad:Well, yay for Leonardo.
Norah:but he's better now.
Dad:so is, so, but he's actually out in the wild, like in the ocean somewhere. Or is it a zoo? Do we even know?
Norah:taken care of right now cuz he was sick.
Norah:Okay. Yes. His last update is so you get updates every week of how he's doing. There is no change in his condition. He continues to eat and dive, but is not using his remaining front flipper.
Norah:I didn't log in, it's not showing that I adopted him and it's asking if I should adopt him, that I already did.
Dad:oh, so you need, so you need to log in. All right, well
Norah:yes, I will.
Dad:of that after af after the show. So an anything an anything else stick out in your brain about
Norah:It was fun.
Dad:It was
Norah:I like Christmas.
Dad:Okay, so here, here's, here's my n here's my next question for you. I was gonna ask you about New Year's resolutions, but I'm not gonna do that. But instead, Yesterday at, we went over to your aunt and uncle's for New Year's brunch and you left early cuz you were tired cause you were out up late on New Year's Eve and we had to pick you up early to get to brunch on New Year's Day. So you left early, but after you left your aunt brought out this bracelet making kit and we all we, we each picked a word. That we stamped on like a metal washer. It's now on a bracelet that I'm wear, I'm wearing mine, and we each picked a word that was supposed to be our, like, aspirational word for 2023. It's called the, the, the, the thing is called like the, my, my intent, I think was the name of the bracelet. The kit or whatever, but so we each stamped a word and we each, we each picked a word that was like, gonna be our aspirational word for 2023. And I think your aunt wanted everyone to get, like at the end of the year or beginning of 2024, we were all gonna get back together. And then fig, see how we did living up to that kind of living up to that word and. Yeah, so I, I chose, I chose calm for mine because I wanna try and be a little calmer in 2023. Try and keep, you know, I wanna just live, live a little, live a little more calmly throughout the year. And you chose what word? So I wanna know, I'm curious, and I haven't asked you this, why you chose the word courage for your
Norah:I'm very timid about doing things like, even if it's just small, like whenever Ryan and I get like drinks at like Dunking Donuts or something, I always have them order for me cuz I just don't like doing it. So I think just like making small changes like that to just be. It's not even being adventurous cuz it's just like ordering something, but just being more brave about doing smaller things
Dad:and, and yet you have no issue picking up your guitar and a microphone and an amp and singing in front of a huge group of people. Yeah, I know. It's different. I, I get that. It's just, I always just find that so interesting that like, you don't like picking up the phone to call someone to ask a question, but you have no issue like getting up on stage and singing like this super, like personal song that you.
Norah:that's all I curious.
Dad:I just, I just find it curious. Well, good. I, I wish you I, I wish you luck with your with your courage as you move, as you move through 2023. I'm wearing mine and I'm gonna wear it every day, and I'm gonna look at it when I feel myself having a moment of un calmness. I'm gonna look at my bracelet to hopefully refocus myself and calm myself down. So let me know how I. How have I been so far for one day?
Norah:I have not you, I mean, I, I haven't really seen much today, but you were calm when I saw you.
Dad:Oh, good. And the, the other, I mean, and the other resolution is we joined a gym and we're gonna make a, a serious concerted effort to exercise at least three days a week over the course of the year
Norah:far. We joined before
Dad:and, and get ourselves.
Norah:we, we didn't just join for the new year,
Dad:No, we joined in, we actually joined Thanksgiving weekend. Yeah, black Friday we joined. Cause they had a sale and you gotta gotta take advantage of the sales. Yeah, we joined on Black Friday and we've been going, mom and I have going, we started going, you were sick so you couldn't go right at the beginning. But mom and I started going. Shortly after we joined, and we've been, we've been not bad about it, but I think the goal is to get there at least three days a week and then mix in some exercise on the machines we have at home and, and make exercise and more healthy living a focus for 2023. All right. Anything else you want to.
Norah:Not that I can think of.
Dad:All right. Well, I think we can, I think we can wrap up another successful episode of the of the Nora and Dad Show. Nora if people wanna find you or maybe wanna book you to play a gig, you already have some gigs booked for 2023, which is super which is super exciting. Where can they where can they.
Norah:You can find me at Nora Marie Music, Nora, with an.
Dad:You can find me everywhere. Not for gigs. Nobody wants to hear me sing. Yeah. At John Hyman all over the place and we will we'll be back in a couple of weeks with another new episode. Awesome. Thanks for doing this, Nora.
Norah:To another good year,
Dad:Right on. Yeah. Here's
Norah:and then I, and then I graduate the year after.
Dad:Oh, you do graduate? Well, not this year, next year, year and a half. High school
Norah:semesters tills until I am out
Dad:Then onto bigger and big. Bigger and bigger and maybe better things. All right. Well anyway, here's the 2023. We'll see everyone in a couple weeks. Love you, Nara.
Norah:Love you