The Norah and Dad Show
A college student and her dad discuss life and all that goes with it.
The Norah and Dad Show
Turkey in the Straw
Norah and Dad dive into all things Thanksgiving … which is mostly all things Thanksgiving food. We discuss Norah's distaste for the Macy's parade, our favorite dishes (or in Norah's case, her favorite starches), white meat vs. dark meat, and our favorite pies.
For the picture of Norah's famous three-tiered giant Thanksgiving cookie cake, visit here.
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Intro music written and performed by norah marie.
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Intro music written and performed by norah marie.
Hey Norah. Hey, Dad, what's the best song to listen to while you're roasting a Turkey?
Norah:great question. I don't know.
Dad:All about that baste.
Dad:are we gonna talk about
Norah:talking about Thanksgiving.
Dad:Welcome back to the Norah and Dad Show. I am the dad with the bad dad jokes. Jon Norah, you didn't like the Thanksgiving joke.
Norah:it wasn't too wasn't too funny.
Dad:Do you get it? Instead of all about that base, it's all about that
Norah:unfortunately, I get it.
Dad:See, so it's like a pun. So instead of bass, I put a T in there and it became baste, because when you have a Turkey in the oven for it to stay moist, you gotta, Does it get funnier when I
Dad:I thought I'd try something new. Since we're now in season two, I thought I'd try a dad joke to start off each episode. Are we liking the dad jokes or are we not liking the dad jokes?
Norah:They're fine.
Dad:They're fine. That's not a ringing endorsement for the dad Jokes.
Norah:I don't know. I feel like dad jokes are only funny if non dads make them
Dad:Okay, well unfortunately I can't unad myself and since this is the Norah and Dad show, it would really confuse people if there was someone other than a dad who was the other half of the Norah and Dad thing.
Norah:I guess that's true.
Dad:I'm just saying. All right. Well anyway, maybe I'll stick with the dad jokes. Who knows? Come back in two weeks and find out if there is yet another dad joke for the next episode. Anyway, welcome back to the No and Dad Show. I'm Dad and as always I am here with the lovely and talented Miss Norah High.
Dad:So, this will be our last episode before the Thanksgiving holiday, so we thought it would be a good idea to maybe talk a little bit about Thanksgiving, my absolute favorite holiday. Like, what's not to
Norah:my favorite holiday too. Didn't you know that?
Dad:I, I, I did. What, what makes it your favorite
Norah:Well, I'm quite a big fan of the food
Dad:Oh, the
Norah:and I, I get to go to two Thanksgivings now, so that's fun. Yeah.
Dad:Yeah, you go to boyfriend's families Thanksgiving for Thanksgiving number, but that's first, right? They do an early
Norah:I don't know. We'll see what happens this year. Last year we went there first.
Dad:Yeah. Well, our dinner's gonna be, we, we always do like the dinner time, Thanksgiving,
Dad:So hopefully it all works out and you don't have to.
Dad:Because it's not acceptable for you to miss
Norah:Well, no, I don't wanna miss the family Thanksgiving. That's the best part.
Dad:All right, so the food, we're gonna come back to the food in a second. What else do you love about
Norah:That's like. I feel like when most of our family comes together, like we come together for Christmas too, but I feel like people choose either or if they live outta state and most of the time they come for Thanksgiving.
Dad:So we got food, we got family. What else?
Norah:That's really all there is. I don't like sports, so
Dad:I'm gonna add a couple of things. I love waking up in the morning and watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. I don't know why, cuz it's super cheesy. I'm not, I'm not really a big show tune person and they have a lot of show tunes in there. And the music is definitely not my kind of music. but I just, I've always watched it since I was like a little kid. And I love the, the floats and the, even now that I can recognize that it's horrendous lip syncing on the floats, and the giant balloons and. The awful, like C- list celebrity cameos in the crowd. It's just, I, I love everything about watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. football, I know you said you're not a big sports person and I get that, but I also love watching football games on Thanksgiving. And I love the wine that goes with Thanksgiving as well. That just, it just makes me, it makes me happy and not, not in like an alcohol kind of way. I just, it's just, maybe that goes with the family. Like we can sit around and have a drink and talk and laugh and joke and whatever, it's just the best holiday I think all around. There's no, there's no holiday Better than Thanksgiving period.
Norah:Yeah, I agree.
Norah:I, I used to really like the Macy's parade, but I just, I don't anymore.
Dad:I'm gonna wake you up early this year to watch it with
Norah:No. See, I like sleeping in. I enjoy that Yeah. And
Dad:That's what teenagers, that's what teenagers do best. They sleep in. Oh, no. But I, I know
Dad:I, I know for two reasons. One, because I used to be a teenager many, many, many years ago, and I also used to like sleeping in and, and now I have two teenagers and you both like to sleep in. So I, I get it on both ends, so I know, believe me.
Norah:Yeah, I, I just, I really like it. I like sleeping in. I like helping you cook and bake stuff. That's really fun. I like getting all dressed up.
Dad:Yeah. Let's Ooh, dressed up. I forgot about that too. Getting dressed up. Although I did
Norah:No, you can't spoil it. Don't spoil it. Don't spoil it. Well, we'll give an update. We'll give an update.
Dad:Okay. Can we talk about the food for a second? Because that's, that's obviously the, the, like the superstar showstopper of Thanksgiving. So give me your, I'm gonna talk about dessert in a second. Cause that's a whole nother level of food on Thanksgiving. Let's talk about the dinner Thanksgiving tradition in in our family from on your mom's side is there's always fruit cup to start the meal, which is, I think Uncle Jerry said he's gonna make the fruit
Norah:Oh, it's so good.
Dad:the fruit. Love the fruit cup. So it's fruit cup, salad and then dinner. So give me, give me top three favorite Thanksgiving side dishes. You can do'em in order or you can go stuffing. That's number.
Norah:one. I love stuffing
Dad:Are you are you in any or an outtie? Outtie? Yeah, I'm not, I'm not an any either. I think, I think it's gamey when it comes
Norah:Mashed potatoes,
Dad:I'm with you in the mesh soap. So, so far we have a starch and a starch. Can we do, do we, do we have, do we have a vegetable that balances out?
Norah:I don't really like salad. I do like the fruit cup. What else do we have? We have cre. Oh, I like the, the rolls. Another
Dad:So we have a starch, a starch, and a starch You're just five minutes after Thanksgiving dinner, your sugar crashes and you pass out.
Norah:Kids keep me awake. No,
Dad:No. No you don't. Yeah, so stuffing mashed potatoes and dinner rolls.
Norah:the best part.
Dad:It's a lot. That is, that is a buttload of carbs, my dear
Norah:should not be very happy with me.
Dad:She would not be happy at all. Can we, can we please throw a vegetable in there to balance it out? How about like some green beans? Yeah, green. Green. There's always green beans. I think green
Norah:If I like broccoli more. I don't know if you should make, can you make broccoli?
Dad:Yeah, maybe I'll have to talk to Aunt Kathleen and we, we gotta figure out like what's gonna be on the what's gonna, what, what everyone's bringing to Thanksgiving dinner.
Norah:make mashed potatoes cause I saw this hack on TikTok to make them healthier where you do half potatoes and half cauliflower, but it still tastes like mashed potatoes.
Dad:Here's the deal. Yes. I, I fully 100% support your efforts to eat
Norah:Not on Thanksgiving.
Dad:we did, and we did go to a nutritionist and we've been trying to eat healthier at home, we're doing the cauliflower rice instead of the white rice. We're mixing in like zucchini noodles with the regular pasta, like pasta noodles when we do like spaghetti and meatballs. I, I generally am not, generally, I am 100% supportive of your efforts to eat healthier, but not on Thanksgiving.
Norah:Yeah, She said holidays don't count. I guess she did say that
Dad:yet, Nobody, I mean, everything in moderation. You just, you take a little bit of stuffing and a little bit of mashed potatoes and one dinner roll instead of like four. And then the Turkey. Okay, so here's the other, here's the other big question. White meat or dark meat.
Norah:I think dark meat.
Dad:Yeah, I'm a drum.
Norah:I like
Dad:I'm like a dark meat and drumstick,
Norah:my favorite.
Dad:drumstick big. There's something, I mean, it feels like,
Norah:I feel like a Viking when I'm eating them.
Dad:that giant leg of Yeah. Yeah. For you who told me not more than a couple hours ago, that you don't really eat meat anymore the, that you're, but you're gonna go, you're gonna go all in on the drum.
Norah:Well, I just, I don't like
Dad:Where you're literally like eating this thing that looks like it was ripped off an
Norah:I'm not a big fan of red meat, but I don't like chicken. Like I, I, I like Turkey. I don't like chicken, though.
Dad:Turkey. Well, turkey's, it's healthy for you. Its lean, so it's, it's healthy
Norah:red meat that much. I don't know why. I think it's just because it's red, so it reminds me of the animal.
Dad:Yeah. Well, it's red like the blood, right?
Norah:Why isn't
Dad:All right.
Norah:like birds still have blood.
Dad:I, I, I don't, I, I, I, I don't know the answer to that
Dad:If anybody knows why poultry meat is white and beef is red email us at. norahanddadshow@gmail.com and let us know and we'll share the info on a future episode. And if we had merch, we'd send you some to say thank you. But we don't, So you, you'll get a shout out and a hearty thank you
Dad:On a future episode. Not just a thank you, a hearty thank you from us on a future episode. If you know the answer to this week's trivia question, why poultry is white and beef is red, All right. So we're done with dinner. We had our fruit cup, our salads, our dark meat, Turkey, and then our plate full of carbs and starches. No, nothing, nothing green in sight on the Thanksgiving plate. Desserts. So we did, we did three favorite sides. Give me your three favorite and desserts on Thanksgiving. It's just, it's just pies. It's all we do is pies.
Norah:We have ice cream. And,
Dad:Well, ice cream goes with the ice cream.
Dad:That's on Christmas pies.
Norah:We haven't had Christmas in like two years, so they kind of blurred together.
Dad:I think it's just pie on Thanksgiving. And when I tell you that, like the first time I went to Thanksgiving dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's house after I met your mom, and she warned me that there was like a lot of pie. I wasn't
Norah:there's a
Dad:the ta, for the ta, for the, it's
Norah:It's a fold out table of
Dad:like I'm not. It's, it's an entire like, buffet table full of pies. It's a lot, it's a lot of pie. And alright, so give me your, we did three favorite sides that was starch. Starch and starch. Give me your three favorite pies, which will be, again, lots of sugar, but
Norah:fruit. There's fruit.
Dad:pies. So they're so, so they feel, so it feels healthier than whatever. Three pies you give me feels like is gonna be healthier than stuffing
Norah:think all of my favorites are actually fruit.
Dad:And and and rolls. gimme your three favorite pies Let's see if we agree on the pies.
Norah:number one,
Dad:What? No, that's
Norah:Apple's number two,
Dad:Apple's number one, but
Norah:and pumpkin's number three.
Dad:three? pumpkins. What about, do do you like, like a chocolate cream pie?
Norah:like, Okay. Normally. Normally what I do on Thanksgiving is I'll take a very tiny. Piece of each pie, unless there's double flavors, cuz there's normally duplicates. But I'll, I, I like to taste every flavor. Unless there's banana. I will not eat. Banana or coconut.
Dad:Yeah, Banana pie is like the devil's creation. And I, Yeah, and coconut, like coconut cream pie, also the devil. But like lemon, like lemon pie is good. Strawberry, I think I remember strawberry pies. Those are really good. I gotta talk to your brother and find out what kind of pie he wants so I can, cuz with the gluten thing, I need to figure out what kind of pie he's going to eat.
Norah:in the pressure cooker. That was really good,
Dad:I totally lied. Because we have had desserts other
Norah:it's very
Dad:Because I did bring a pump. I did bring a, I did
Norah:I made a a cookie cake once. Do you remember my giant cookie cake?
Dad:Oh, we did bring
Norah:We are normally the ones who
Dad:lied. It's not just, it's not just pies. I do, we, we have grown off
Norah:Cause we live
Dad:did, We made a,
Norah:it's a lot easier to transport things that aren't pies.
Dad:that, that cookie thing was obscene. It was three. Giant, like two foot, like two foot diameter chocolate chip cookies that were worn on top of the other with like, Was it, was it like a buttercream icing in the middle of each? It was, it was like, it was like,
Norah:I think we should find it.
Dad:Is there really? I'll have to see if I can find, if I can find the picture. I'll put it in the show
Norah:your blog or
Dad:But it was like, it, it was like diabetes on a plate. It was, so, yeah. I don't know
Norah:No, I made it, That was me.
Dad:No, I know, but I don't know what I was thinking where I thought that was gonna be
Norah:Oh. To let me make it
Dad:I think we were like, no, just to have it in general make it that big. We were like, we'll take the, like the cookie, like the giant, like Mrs. Fields cookie cake that you get at the mall and we'll just, we'll take it up to 11 by doing not, not even two layers, but three layers. And then cuz
Norah:Well, it was mainly for Donovan, cuz he doesn't like pie. So we were like, Oh, let's make a gluten-free
Dad:Well, he does. He does now, but he But he didn't then. Yeah, we wanted to make sure he had a dessert he would like, so we made this, this just like devil spawn gigantic. Just, it was enough cookie to feed, to feed like a stadium full of people. It was
Norah:I don't even remember it being that good, like I am a sugar person, but it was just, it was too much sugar.
Dad:first. Oh no, it was
Norah:Oh, okay. I thought it was too much sugar and that's, that's a lot coming from me. I
Dad:is a lot coming
Norah:sugar on top of sugar Sent you a picture of the the cake. I found it, I sent it to
Dad:you, All right, well it's definitely, it's definitely going in the show notes then that is, maybe I'll, maybe I'll put it up on the, on the Norah and Dad show
Norah:should. It's, it's definitely a site. Wait, take a look.
Dad:It's alright. I'll, I will, I'll take a peek after we, Well, maybe we'll do a, maybe, maybe we can do a live reaction of me
Norah:that's what I want.
Dad:at the picture of, Oh, that's, that's what you wanted. Of this, of this thing. Oh, there it is. Oh, when, Look at the, That's a lot of cake. It's smaller than I remember. Yeah, it's maybe, maybe it's, maybe it wasn't two feet around. It's sitting on like a dinner plate.
Norah:No, that's not a dinner plate. That's one of those American. The the American flag, That thing's huge. Yeah,
Dad:plates. Yeah. No, that's a, that's
Norah:probably a foot and a half diameter the plate.
Dad:Yeah, but it's decorated with a Turkey on top and it says Happy Thanksgiving. We'll put it in the old I'll
Norah:Oh, and then this is, this is a quote from Donovan, quote, Daddy. It was better than I imagined it would be, and then double pistols, which is high praise.
Dad:See, that's why we,
Norah:Oh, and Pamela's product commented
Dad:Oh, cuz I used the Pamela's products cookie mix. Yeah. To make it their recipe. Oh. Oh, look at
Norah:It was a hit.
Dad:it was a hit, I think. Right.
Norah:My lettering is a little, a little shaky.
Dad:No, it's fine. Your, your letter, your lettering is, your lettering is just fine. So we went for, so we decided that apple's number one, Cher's number two.
Norah:No, Apple is number two. Cherry's number one. What's your list?
Dad:But the good thing is there, there'll probably be three of each kind, so you can have a little bit of everything. Oh, no. Apple pie is by far the
Norah:Okay. What's your
Dad:Objectively probably Cher's number two.
Norah:Okay, so we just flipped our, our first two.
Dad:I thought about trying to make maybe like a tiramisu pie this
Norah:Hmm. Donovan would like that. Donovan likes coffee.
Dad:If anyone has a recipe for a good tiramisu pie norahanddadshow@gmail.com I'd be curious to try it out. All right, so we had this turned into like a food like review podcast, which is fine cuz it's kind of all Thanksgiving's
Norah:There's not much to talk about. Oh, I found some tiramisu pies.
Dad:Maybe I'll try a tiramisu pie
Norah:Let me see if they have any gluten free ones.
Dad:Well, you just use a gluten-free pie
Norah:Well, yeah. Oh, they have gluten free. Gluten free pumpkin spice tiramisu pie. That
Norah:good. Oh, only has one star. Nevermind
Dad:Only, well now it's hot garbage, so we'll be headed down the street to, in Kathleen and Uncle Mike's house. They live just like a block and a half away from us for the Thanksgiving festivities where you will consume all the starches. We will try a little bit of every pie. We will have wine. The
Norah:normally get sparkling grape juice, I think.
Dad:We will, we will laugh. Uncle Mike will make his Irish coffees for dessert, which is another big hit. Oh yeah.
Norah:now so I can
Dad:And and you will get to yeah, you will have minus the whiskey and and you will get to hang out with all of your younger cousins and play cat herder for the night.
Norah:yes. I get to be abused by them for a night.
Norah:No, it's a game that they play where they they, they
Dad:what? Abused Norah.
Norah:They, they have Ryan as the prince and they, they, they kidnap me. And then Ryan has to save.
Dad:Aha. How does he
Norah:He hasn't failed yet. I'm still here.
Dad:That's good to know. It's good to know. Ryan hasn't let you down
Norah:hide and seek like playing among us, but in real life, which is kind of just like, I don't know how you would describe it. Lots of games that we make up. It's very fun. They're getting too old though. I don't like it. I missed two whole years with'em. Now they're, they're, they're older than I
Dad:Oh, with the, with the, Yeah, with the, with the covid. With the covid mess. Yeah. We went a couple years without having, Without, without. No, they're not, They're old. They're, they're getting to be, They're, I mean, some of them are almost
Norah:No, they're not
Norah:little babies to me.
Dad:and then, and then you get the whole week off for
Norah:I have to be at school on Monday, but it'll be.
Dad:Oh, oh, for musical.
Norah:What's the,
Dad:What's the, what's the
Norah:see Elf the Musical. I'm not in it, but I'm, I'm actually, I'm herding more children there, so come see it, That's my
Dad:It seems, it seems to be, seems to be
Norah:love herding children.
Dad:What is it? November 30th through December. December 1st, second, and third at Lake Ridge Academy. The Lake Ridge Academy Upper school. And I, and I guess lower
Norah:they are playing
Dad:um, Elf. The musical. Yeah. All right. Oh, I had, I, I actually had one more question I wanted to ask what are you thankful for this
Norah:Oh, what am I thankful for? I'm thankful for my family and my friends. Um,
Norah:and in school I am loving school so much.
Dad:Those are very nice thoughts. I am also thankful for my family. I think that's really, at the end of the day, I think that's all you need. I think, I mean, jobs and all that are nice and it's nice to have income that lets, you know, me and your mom pay for houses and cars and clothes and food and all that stuff. But the end of the day, I think as long as they have you and your, you and your brother and your mom and the dogs, I think Everything will be just fine. So I'm thankful. I'm thankful for y'all and I'm thankful that I have a 16 year old child that still wants to do a podcast with her dad. So thanks Norah.
Norah:course I have. I have a good old time.
Dad:Wonderful. All right. We will see everyone back here in two weeks after you've had a chance to survive your Thanksgiving food comas. And after, no, after Norah comes off her carbohydrate rush from the starches and
Norah:be fine.
Dad:We'll see everyone back in a couple weeks. Norah, where can everyone find you other than here on the old podcast?
Norah:can find me at norahmariemusic, Norah with an H. Any anywhere you want to.
Dad:You could find me at Jon Hyman. No h also also everywhere on Twitter for now. We'll see if by God, we're recording this on a Sunday. We'll see if, when this goes alive on Tuesday, if there's still, if there still
Norah:should get, we should get our account verified
Dad:I am not spending, I am not giving, I'm not giving Elon Musk$8 of my money to verify an account. I don't, I, I don't have that big of an ego that I need to pay to have a blue check mark next to my name. And seriously, it's like now, So everyone now who gets verified and you just walk, you walk around Twitter and it's like, yeah. So now everyone knows that you need to feel the verification. So you, you paid eight, you gave Elon Musk$8 of your money every month to hope. It's so stupid. Anyway.
Norah:like that can be another topic.
Dad:All right. I think we rambled on long enough this week. We'll see everyone back in two weeks with another new episode of the Norah and Dad Show. Love you, Norah.
Norah:Love you too.