The Norah and Dad Show
A college student and her dad discuss life and all that goes with it.
The Norah and Dad Show
You Can Drive My Car
We catch everyone up on what's been going on in our lives, since it's been a few weeks since we've been able to get you an episode. We talk about Norah's recent trip to the ER, the final say on Norah's mock trial team, our upcoming Spring Break trip, and Norah's upcoming test to finally get her driving temps (including a practice pop quiz).
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Question? Ideas for a future episode? Email us at norahanddadshow@gmail.com.
Intro music written and performed by norah marie.
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Question? Ideas for a future episode? Email us at norahanddadshow@gmail.com.
Intro music written and performed by norah marie.
Hey, Nora,
Norah:Hello, dad.
Dad:What are we gonna talk about this week?
Norah:Today we are going to talk about what's been going on in our lives and just catch up a little bit.
Dad:Welcome back to the Nora and dad show. I am as always dad and I'm here with my lovely daughter, Nora. Hi, Nora.
Norah:Hello? How have you
Dad:I've been. good. I mean, well, you see me every day, but the listeners haven't seen us for a few weeks. Is that right? Is that possible that we haven't done a show in three weeks? How are you?
Norah:Um, I'm pretty good. I'm on break now.
Dad:You're on spring break. we can talk about spring break plans, but let's I think first, you, haven't been feeling great. and every time we went to record, you just, uh, you weren't feeling all that stellar. And so the recordings kept getting delayed and we had to keep just kind of pushing episodes off, but we're back now, finally it after three weeks. Yeah, last Sunday, we were all set to record. And we had to make a little, uh, little pit stop up to the old pediatric emergency room.
Norah:So that's always really fun. I was just having some. Issues with my stomach. And then I went to the hospital and they were like, oh, I just have a couple cysts. And they made it sound a lot scarier than it was. Cuz then I went to like a professional in that field. Not like, again, the ER, doctors are professionals, but they work with everyone, not like specific issues.
Dad:It wasn't a doctor. It was a physician assistant and not to disparage physician assistants. but they're not physicians and the ER docs while they offer a wonderful service. And I'm glad they are there. you're right. Not specialists in what you needed a specialist for. and thankfully we made an with a specialist after the, um ER, visit and got everything cleared up and it was not anything major. She changed up some medications and hopefully that'll fix the problem.
Norah:I am wanting the problem to be fixed.
Dad:I know you're I know you, you haven't felt well for a few months and, um, and without going into too much detail that nobody really needs to know. we're, cautiously optimistic that the, new medication or the change in medication that the doctor put you on will help you out.
Norah:that is the plan.
Dad:So yay for emergency rooms. yay. For doctors. Yay. For new medications. not so yay for recording our podcast and bringing this to everybody every week because we haven't, been able to do that. So, let's catch everybody up. What's going on with the old mock trial.
Norah:So our blue team went to states. they got up into, they were one of the top eight teams in Ohio, which was cool. I got best witness
Dad:So this is a, so,
Norah:cool. Um,
Dad:so, so mock trial, it, it is, it is an actual competition, like schools go against schools and they whittle it down to, um, from like an initial round to like a regional or sectional round down to the states. and one of your schools, three teams made it all the way to states. They, one of the final eight teams in the state. yeah, which is awesome. your team, unfortunately, did not get that far as we talked about an earlier episode, you got knocked out in the second round, but, some individual glory for Nora Hyman
Norah:Yes, best witness.
Dad:and then individual best witness. What is, what is best witness. Like? What is, can you explain what that means
Norah:It means well,
Dad:Other than are the best witness?
Norah:You're judged for your cross examination and your direct examination out of 10 for each one. And in our case, we had two judges. So our entire like score was out of 40. So yeah.
Dad:When you say you're judged, is it judged like on the, the quality of your acting? Like how well you stick to the character, how you handle yourself when you're talking to the attorneys, all of the above, like what's the, what's the criteria that you're judged on.
Norah:Um, well, it depends on how competent is that a word competent, competent. The judges are. Yes.
Dad:competent competence or word, are you saying they're Are you saying there, there are, there are incompetent judges.
Norah:Um, I have witnessed a few. Well, it's just also, you can tell which ones know the case and which ones don't, which that plays a lot into it, because if someone knows the case really well, then the facts are probably more important than the characterization. They're both, it's really important, but if someone knows the case, they're gonna be looking more for the facts and how well you act, um, But if you have someone that doesn't know the case super well, they probably like, if you say something wrong and an attorney doesn't catch it, they're also not gonna know because they don't know the case very well. So
Dad:and so what do you get a trophy, a certificate, just a Hardy pat on the back from your coach. That's really exciting.
Norah:Yes, I was very happy because I did not score very well. The first round.
Dad:And you were very upset cuz you worked really hard and I will say, uh, you worked really, really hard and while. As your dad, I will tell you that there are more, there are more important things than winning and awards. I think it's what you've learned from the experience and get out of the experience. And, there is in a competition, there's a winner and a loser, and you're not always gonna win. Um, and, uh, you can't control the judges like that's outta your control. You can only do, as I've told often in things you've done, like you can only control the job that you do and you, everything else is out of your control. Uh, you shouldn't worry about. But what was in your control? Like you did awesome. You were great.
Norah:Thank you.
Dad:And so from the two trials I watched, I would say you. very, very, very well earned your best witness award. So kudos, congratulations. I'm, I'm proud of you for doing something that was out of your comfort zone, mock trial, but I'm also proud that you worked real, really, really hard and, all that work, all that hard work was recognized by somebody else.
Norah:Thank you.
Dad:You. are on spring break right now. Yay.
Norah:It is so nice. and they have weeks to school
Dad:a after spring break, you go back in the home stretch for like six weeks, but your school unlike probably just about every other. below college level school, you get a two week spring break.
Norah:It is very nice. No
Norah:out. One.
Dad:awesome that you get. I would, I would not, I would not complain if I were at all. And, uh, we are thankfully in the middle of that break, we get to take a little trip.
Norah:I'm very excited for the little trip.
Dad:Do you wanna tell everyone where we're going on? Our, our little spring break adventure?
Norah:I actually don't know.
Norah:I know the state, but I don't know what city we're going to,
Dad:All right, let's start with the state. What state are we going to, And don't say state of confusion, even though it's what it sounds like you're in.
Dad:We are going to Florida, we're actually going to Miami or just north of Miami. The town Hollywood. Florida. Yeah, we got a little, a little Airbnb. grandma and grandpa are gonna fly down from Philadelphia and meet us there for a few days. And we're gonna, we have a pool and there's a beach, not too far from there. The house is on a little canal, so we'll have a water view and we're gonna enjoy a few days in the sun in Miami. And I am super, super, super excited.
Norah:Me as well. Haven't been there since I was like
Dad:We haven't in Florida,
Dad:five five was the last time you were in Florida I don't really count
Norah:Nevermind not Disney's Florida
Dad:like a whole separate, I mean, it's in Florida, but it's like a whole separate animal. So, um, gonna, we're gonna soak up Miami for a few days and yeah, we'll, I don't know. We'll walk south beach and your mom, who's obsessed with monkeys. There's a monkey. Some kind of monkey sanctuary. We can go and I don't know, feed the monkeys or pet the monkeys or something. And so we'll go give your mom, her monkey fix and, and we'll hang out with grandma and grandpa, we'll go swimming and we'll play cards and we'll just chill for a few days and not think about work and school and everything thing else. And it's gonna be awesome.
Norah:I'm very excited.
Dad:Uh, you have one other big plan over spring break, that I'm gonna take you to do in a couple of days. You're gonna go. Hopefully fingers crossed that you passed finally get your, temporary, uh, driver's permit.
Norah:Oh, yeah. I was like, I don't know what you're talking about, but now I do. I was
Dad:I know you didn't. That's why I kept talking. I know you had, I know you had no idea. You're gonna go. Hopefully if you pass, get your permits and we'll start, God, help me teaching you how to drive.
Norah:I know how to drive
Dad:I would please, would
Norah:do. I have, think
Dad:an episode, it's because it's because you crashed the car and we ended up and we ended up back in the hot.
Norah:Okay. Parking is another story. Don't wanna do that, but I think driving is just being aware of your surroundings. That's most of it.
Dad:Um, it. is what, okay. But here's the deal
Norah:Here you ask me a question.
Dad:you do eventually have you, you will eventually have to park the car.
Norah:well, yeah, but in order
Dad:Oh. Is, is the um,
Norah:car works first.
Dad:let me see. Ohio. I'm gonna Google, Ohio driving test
Norah:The first test, test I took I an 85%. The second one I took, I got a 77% were really weird. And I didn't know what, what defensive driving was. I was, I, the, I was reading it out loud when I was at the salon with mom and she didn't know the answers either for some of them, because they were just phrased really weirdly, or one of the questions was about like
Dad:Uh, ha
Norah:answers were about snow. It was really weird. Didn't understand that one.
Dad:I'm waiting for the, okay. An orange triangular sign on the back of a vehicle. Indicates a do not follow B hazardous materials. C no passing or D slow moving vehicle.
Norah:This was not one that I studied for. Okay. I have a question. When not follow what happens if you're just behind it.
Dad:an orange triangular
Norah:Well, I feel like an orange triangular sign normally means yield. So probably to, it goes slow. I don't know.
Dad:So your answer is slow moving vehicle.
Norah:I don't know. This is process elimination did not study for this question.
Dad:Is, is that your answer?
Norah:I guess,
Dad:That is correct.
Norah:yes. Ha. I've never seen that before.
Dad:If you feel tired while driving, you should not do which of the following
Norah:Oh goodness.
Dad:Play the radio. Engage in light conversation. Turn up the heat inside the car, pull off the road to rest or stop to stretch and have a drink.
Norah:Like an alcoholic
Dad:feel tired while driving, it just says, have a
Norah:Okay. I'm assume
Dad:If you feel tired while driving, which, which shouldn't you do play the radio, engage in light conversation, turn up the heat, pull off the road to rest, stop to stretch and have a drink.
Norah:I feel like he normally makes people more tired. So probably that one.
Dad:you are correct.
Norah:these are I'm so good. See, I already know how to drive. I'm so good.
Dad:Let's see. All right, next question. Traffic control signs. This is fascinating traffic controls. This will be our last one. Traffic control signs are designed to regulate worn and guide vehicular traffic and pedestrian traffic motorcycle ethic. Bicyclist or horse drawn vehicles, traffic control signs are designed to regulate worn and guide vehicular traffic. And which of the following pedestrian traffic motorcycle, traffic bicyclist, or horse drawn vehicles.
Norah:Okay. Well, it's not pedestrians because they have this specific like thing for pedestrians, you know, like the hang and or the person walking, like if you're walking down the street and you see no, cause I guess if you see a stop sign, you do stop. But you don't have to like yield when you're walking. So I guess it deter, it depends on the sign. Cause if I see a stop sign, wait. No, well, if you see a stop sign for another car, then you stop, but you always stop when you cross the road. So I don't think it's pedestrians, but then also I feel like motorcycle lists are part of like, that goes under like vehicles. And so does horse drawn carriage? So I'm gonna go with. Bicycle lists
Dad:The answer is pedestrians. I would say I would've thought all the above would've been an, an option, cuz that seems like a trick question, but
Dad:cuz motorcycles, motorcycles have to follow The
Norah:The car?
Dad:signs as do. Yeah. as do
Norah:Pedestrians don't have freaking road signs. You're not gonna see pedestrian walking down street. That's why there are sidewalks.
Dad:I think,
Norah:is a BS I'm very upset
Dad:Here's one. All right here. All right, I'm gonna do one here. I'm gonna do one more. And, um, and let's hope that, um, it's one that you never have to use. Although I will say I got in a car accident on the very first day I had my driver's license. Back when I was 16. Let's hope you don't do That
Norah:is the plan.
Dad:after a crash, you must collect all the following information from the other driver, except their phone number, their address, their insurance information, their driver's license number or their name.
Norah:Okay, well, you need their name. You need their insurance information. You would probably need their phone number for contact information. What were the other two?
Dad:driver's license number, address,
Dad:information name.
Norah:maybe a address for like bills, if like there's like an incident. Like if you need to go to the hospital, I don't know why you need their driver's license number. Well, cuz when you've gotten an accident, I've never seen that needed. So I'm gonna go that one.
Dad:The correct answer is actually their phone number. And no, I don't think I've ever gotten driver's license number, but I've gotten license plate numbers, and I've gotten the, the VIN number, which is the identification number for the vehicle. I don't think I've ever gotten a
Dad:license number, but now I, know I have to. So.
Norah:I feel like a, um, which am I call it? The license plate number would be more useful.
Dad:Okay. So here's what I learned. Um, you need to study more before
Norah:Well, those weren't the I, what website were you on?
Dad:I don't know some
Norah:I was on the wait. Were you doing the Ohio DMV practice test?
Dad:and I was doing whatever Google gave I
Norah:Okay. Well you just need to get a 75, so.
Dad:Yeah. Okay. I think you'll be fine.
Norah:When we were at the salon, Cassie said that her brother failed his first test because the only questions he got were about tractors,
Dad:I know a friend of mine growing up who is now an oncologist failed his written test twice. So. it happens.
Norah:it does
Dad:What are you gonna You'll be fine. We'll update everybody in a future episode about, your temps and how the, uh, how the driving experience, just going. And whether I now need to be on anti-anxiety meds because I have an, a driver, a teenage driver in my
Norah:I can drive us to school.
Dad:Oh Lord, help us. Yes. You could drive us to school. I mean, you have to practice, so
Norah:Yeah, it's not that a drive 20 minute drive and it's pretty much a straight line. So
Dad:All right. Well, Nora, it's good to be back on the podcast
Norah:yes it is.
Dad:Um, it is. good to be back with everybody bringing you the fun and, and joy our lives on a weekly basis. we'll be back next week with another episode. Nora, where can everybody find you? Aside from here, in their podcast
Norah:You can find me at Nora Marie music anywhere you can think of.
Dad:You can find me at John Hyman, you can find us at no. And dad show.buzz, brow.com. if you have questions, comments, suggestions for a future episode, Nora and dad show@gmail.com. find us, rate us, review us in your podcast app of choice. And we will see every, everybody next week. Love you, Nora.
Norah:you too.