The Norah and Dad Show
A college student and her dad discuss life and all that goes with it.
The Norah and Dad Show
Long Live Rock
Norah and Dad discuss the end of a significant phase in Norah's life -- her time as a student at School of Rock.
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Intro music written and performed by norah marie.
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Intro music written and performed by norah marie.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Hello dad.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:what are we talking
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:We're gonna talk about School of Rock today.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Welcome back to the Nora and Dad Show. I am as always the dad and I am here with
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Me, I'm
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:that was your cue to say your
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:you say more stuff.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Oh, all right. Well, I guess consistency is not my strong suit. What, what do I know? fairly monumental event in your life happened a couple of weeks ago.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:You Do you care to elaborate or is that it? End of show.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Yeah, I think we can roll credits.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:You think we can roll credits? That's it. All right. You, you had been a student at School of Rock since you were,
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Yeah. Since February of 2013 was your ver February 10th, 2013 to be precise was your very first music lesson, and you have been taking lessons there and performing in shows there, for the most part. since then and a couple of weeks
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:on the 24th of September.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:You took, what was your very last lesson at School of
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:It was quite sad.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:It was really sad. It was a, like a monumental part of your life for, well, more than half of your life,
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:close to 10 years, and you're only 16. So that's, let's see, tens of 10, five eighths. So that's like 63% of your.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Oh wow. That was some quick math.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Yeah. To haha. yeah, just a massive part of your life going there, every week, sometimes two times a week, sometimes three times a week, for lessons and rehearsals, and
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:it was four times a week.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Sometimes it was four times a week. we, you were there a lot. you were, by far the longest. At least at that particular location, the longest standing student, probably in the history of the history of that school.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Cuz it didn't, it opened not, not long before you started, the school opened and there wasn't like, no. Yeah. And of the people that were there from when you started, they had long since graduated
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:they were way, they were way older.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Yeah. They were all high school students and they're long gone. So, It, it was a really good thing for you. School of
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:I would say so I enjoyed it.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:I mean, it was fun, but it opened like so many, like doors for you. So many cool things. You get to
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:I got to do.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:how many, like,
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:to meet a lot of cool people,
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:well, you did get to meet a lot of cool people. It put you, I. I mean, how many performances do you think you did through that
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Oh, at least a couple
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:of like 10 years? Yeah, a couple hundred.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:well, no, not well. Oh no, Cuz I guess junior headliners, I don't know at least a hundred.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Well, I was in 19 shows, Wait, no, maybe it was 20. I don't know. I was in a lot of shows times two performances, sometimes three for parking lot shows.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Right. So you're thinking, so you're maybe around 50 performances through the shows
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:I was in junior headliners for
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:five years and.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:So another maybe 10 performances.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:A year.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:you were, you were north of a hundred shows, which is a co it's a, it's a career for some musicians.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Yeah. And it, Well, let's, so, well, let's back up. So the program itself is a performance based music education program. The program works, I mean, you get music lessons on your instrument of choice, and you took lessons both for guitar and then
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:I didn't wanna start with guitar though. I wanted to do vocals and you said I couldn't cuz it was in a real instrument and then I wanted to do drums and you said it was too loud. So I settled on guitar
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:What you wanted to do was you never asked, You asked for guitar first. I don't remember you asking for, I don't remember you asking for
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:I remember asking for vocals.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:but you definitely asked for drums and your mom are like, We don't want drums in
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:We have drums in the house,
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:now we do. But yeah, I think you gotta know your kid's personality. And I said, you know, if you're in the drums, you're in the back and nobody sees you. And if you're play guitar, you get to be out front. Sometimes they put a microphone in front of you, sometimes you get to sing. And then you were, you were all, you were all about that. but it, but it's a performance based program, meaning that in addition to the lessons, There are like genre based shows or artist based shows that run for like three or four months at a time, and then you get matched up with other kids. And then every three or four months, I would say it's a recital, but it's not, I mean, it's in a
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:or a club and it's like in like a legit like of. Varying degrees of quality depending on kind of how the group, cuz you gotta mesh quickly with new kids each, every three or four months. But so a varying degrees of quality, but it is like an act. It's going to like an actual, like rock concert.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Yeah. And then they have. When I was there, they didn't have the rookies program yet, but that's, if you're like, I, I mean I probably would've been in it if they had it at the time. That's for like pretty young kids who don't like, who have never touched an instrument before. And they, they don't do any shows, but they get to like learn how to play the instruments and they have Rock 1 0 1, which I did three times, which is like a show, but there's only four songs and you're on like all of. And they're just simpler songs.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Yeah, but
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:But even when I was, when they did,
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:I lost my train of thought.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Even when they did 1 0 1 the first year I was, The first year that I did it, I was the only student in it cuz there was not very many people at the school yet. And now they
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:were the one.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:1 0 1 groups cuz of how
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:You were the, You were the one in the 1 0 1.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:I was Nora and the
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:you, were, you were it Nora and the Troopers. Which ultimately connected you with the old 90 sevens, which was a good, which is a good connection for you to have School of Rock, put you on School of Rock, put you on stage with Roger
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:They did do that
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:a really. Which was a, We've told that story before. That was a really cool thing. It's put you on stage at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame more times than a lot of people who are inducted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame have played the rock hall.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Yeah, no, I've gotten to play cool places and do fun things.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Yeah, but unfortunately the time came for School of Rock to come to an end. I mean, it would've ended when you graduated high school anyway, which is gonna be in less than two years. But I think the time Was it just you weren't doing shows anymore with School of Rock?
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:I'm just, and I was missing half my lessons cuz I have. My own shows and I have a job and a boyfriend in school and stuff,
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Life got life got
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Life just got, it was much easier to manage when you were like a little kid and all, all you had besides that, that was like the one activity you did, but that was it. You did that and you went to school, right? And now you have a job that, that is, keeps you busy a couple nights a week and you go to school and you're busy with activities at school. Go mock trial, Lake Ridge 20 22, 20 23. It school activities keep you busy and then you want to hang out with friends and you wanna hang out with your boyfriend, and we like to see you every now and again too. And it's just nice to sleep in on a Saturday morning and not have, be obligated to schlep you. Down to a music lesson and and I mean the, the reality is you probably, you, you might disagree, but I, I think you probably outgrew or surpassed kind of the benefit that the program was gonna, was gonna give you.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:You disagree? You still think
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:more to learn.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Okay? Fair enough.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Certain, like I still cannot solo on the guitar. Just, that's the skill I never learned, cuz I never felt like I needed to learn it for the songs I was playing like,
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Do you want to do, do you want to be able to solo on the guitar?
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:but I mean, I
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Well, I mean, you can,
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:to teach myself that it would just go easier if I had someone else teaching me, you
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Boy, that's what I'm saying. I mean, you definitely have all the,
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:thing. Like I can, I can do stuff myself. It's just more fun to do with someone else.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Of course, of course. But you're also you know, you're booking gigs at the same venues where. Were the instructors book gigs.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Yeah. So I mean, to the extent the, the goal of the program is to like, make you a mu, make you a musician to, I mean, it's, I mean, it did, it did. I mean, you're like a working professional musician, so I mean, mission. I suppose so and, I mean, and the, the friends that just because you leave a place, I mean the friends, it, it takes effort. There's people that you won't see every week, and it will definitely take more of an effort to maintain like those relationships. But,
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:in shows I. I mean, I have like friends who go to school of rap. I wouldn't consider myself to have like best friends like I used to when I went there multiple times a week.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Oh, no, I'm talking about like the instructor.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Oh, yes. No, they're my friends.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Yeah. I mean, I'm right. And so it will take effort to Yes, you definitely. You've always connected better with adults than you did with kids, even when you were like a little kid. You connected better with like high schoolers than you did with kids your own age. And I think you probably connect better now with adults than you do with your peers. That's just, just an observation. But you definitely connected better with the instructors at the school that you did with the, with the other kids, taking the lessons and doing the shows,
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:not all of them. I have my friend Gabby, who.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:who's older?
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:a senior in college now, I believe. And
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Thank you for proving my
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:yeah, and like she, she was at School of Rock when I started, like, I think in like the second show I did. She was, that was her first show, like, so she watched me grow up and like, I don't talk to her every day, but we still chit chat every once in a while. There's other
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:just, it takes,
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:to me when they went to
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:that's a whole nother story, but there's but there you know, as you, as you grow up, You move through life, you will find that people will come in and out based on the things where you are and places you are and things you do, and some relationships that are worth keeping. Just, it just takes effort to keep those relationships going. So, yeah. But like I said, it was, it was I think an amazing. Program for you to, for you to be a part of. I, I think it definitely accelerated your growth as a musician. It's not a traditional music program and that you don't sit and learn scales and, and, you know, and,
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:but they don't start with that. When you get older is when you learn that kind of stuff.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:They start, they teach you how to play songs, and then the theory comes by playing the music. They don't teach you the theory and then build songs on top of the theory. It's kind of in reverse, but it it worked.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:no, I can, I can listen to a song and know how to play it, which I think is much more helpful than being able to read Cheat Music.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:yeah. What you were, you played you played a show. Friday night and we were driving Friday morning, I was driving you to school and no rain by Blend Mellon came on the radio and I thought, I thought to myself but didn't say it cuz his voice is a little
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:his voice is so high. I.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:I thought, I thought to myself ah, this will be a really, it's got that kind of acoustic the acoustic part in the song. I thought, Oh, this will be a, yeah, this will be a really, I thought to myself, ah, that's would really cool if nor covered this song. And then we were sitting there Friday night and then you busted it out and cuz you had this same thought, but you had said that you just kind of listened to it a few times at school and you're like, Oh, I can play this. And then you just, and then you played it
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Yeah, I mean I had a tab, but I knew how the song went and I was able to know like, cuz most of the time tabs aren't correct. So I knew like, Oh, this cord wouldn't fit there, so I did a different chord instead.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:And it sounded great. It's one that you should keep. It's one that you should keep in the repertoire. That's a good, that's a good song.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:You said you don't like blind melon.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:I don't, Well, I
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:like blind melon.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:when I was in, when I was at law school. They came and played a show and I was all excited to go see them. And like there was no Spotify back then. You either bought the album or bought the cd or you just knew the songs were on the radio and I didn't have their cd, so I just knew that song that was on the radio. And it sounds like none of their other
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:No, it doesn't. That's why I
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Yeah, it just, it just wasn't what I expected. So it was like an hour of like, Like, like hard, heavy music. And then like that song, they like closed with that song. And that's what, so everybody just wanted to hear that song and, and we were all very there was thousands of people that were very disappointed until, until the
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:well, I like the rest of their music. I think No Rain is one of their worst songs. Not that it's a bad song. I just like their other stuff more.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Interesting. Very interesting. And, and now he's, now he's no
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:I know I didn't know that until I was trying to learn another song by them with Ed, who's my guitar teacher for the listeners, or was my guitar teacher and. Yeah, and then I looked up, I looked up the band. I was like, Oh, I didn't know that he passed away, like when he was really young,
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Yeah. Yeah. He had, he had, he had some issue.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:as most mu musicians do.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:As well. Now, I wouldn't say most,
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:maybe not now, but in the past, lots of musicians
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Oh no, I don't think it's any different. I don't think it's any different now. I think there are definitely. I think a lot of artists, whether you're a musician or an actor or a painter or whatever, I think they, I think they cope with their, they, they work through their struggles, through their art. And sometimes they, sometimes their struggles, sometimes their struggles get the best of them, and it's, it's unfortunate when it does.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:all that is. That is all so school of rock that, that phase of your life is no more. But but rock and roll is eternal That sounded so
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:That was very cheesy.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Yeah. So anything else you wanna say about the School of Rock?
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Thank you. I don't know if my instructors will listen to this, but I worked with a lot of people over the year and thank you to all of them. Ed is the only person that I stayed constant with though all of my time. So
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:He was the
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:for the win
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:He was he was the guitar teacher that gave you your very first lesson and Yeah. And he was, your guitar teacher gave you your very last lesson and he was with you for your entire, almost 10 years and has, and has become a really good friend of ours. It's weird how
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Uncle Ed,
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Yeah, it's weird I think people come into your life for a reason and he's one person that I definitely think came into our life for a reason. Just one of the most solid dudes I've ever met. So yes, Uncle Ed for the win, and he is someone that I know we will, and he's someone I know will stay friends with, even though we're not gonna see him every week.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:and he still has stuff on, on his wall that are from like my first year there. Like there's a card that I wrote. I vividly remember making it at Grandma and Grandpa Clan's house, and there's a picture of a guitar with an amp on the, it was like a piece of paper folded and a half to make a card, and it says, Dear Mr. Ed. Thank you for being the best teacher over because I feel ever wrong. But then instead of starting over again, I just drew an E inside of the O and then it says Nora.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Instead of starting ever.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Yep. And that was a good one.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Ah, I see what I did.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Situational irony. That's my new
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:I don't know if that's, I don't know. I don't know if that's what that was, but, Okay.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:you to do something and then you did the other thing. That's
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Oh, okay.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:There you go. AP English.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:why jokes are funny. Now, like the other, or No, someone said something, they were like, Ugh, I hate you, but like as a joke, like friends, right? And I was like, Oh my God, that's sarcasm.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Do you know what make you know what makes jokes not
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:explaining them.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:When do you explain the joke?
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:but it makes it funny for me. I don't care if it ruins it for other people. I'll be selfish.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:that's, geez. Now we get it. Now we see. Now we see where it
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:be glad that I'm learning.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:I am
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:I'm never gonna forget what paralysis means. I, It's stuck in my, No,
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:What is paralysis?
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:I won't tell you.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:What do I mean? You won't tell
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Ha ha. See, that was a paralysis cause I'm gonna tell you anyways. It's when you say you're not gonna say something, but then you say it anyways.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:a lot of examples of it in go livers travels and it makes him an unreliable narrat.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Wow. Look at, look at you with the big
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:I know Miss AP literature over here.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:All right. I love seeing my hard earned, my hard earned dollars working in real time. It's fantastic.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:I'm glad you think so
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:anything else to add about the old school rock?
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:I will miss it.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Yeah, we're gonna miss it too. I can't say I loved all of the shows you did over the course of the
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:favorite and which was your favorite?
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:which was my least
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:My least favorite was eighties and my favorite was punk pollution.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:punk illusion was a banger of a show.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:good. That's cause,
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:still watch, I still watch those. I, I still watch those videos every now
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:do too. That's cuz the group merged really well together. We just happened to get along really well.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Good, good
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Oh, Left of the dial was a really good show too. I don't know how the musical quality was, but we all had fun.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:I think my least favorite show you did in terms of the quality of the music. I don't know. The Jack White one was really
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Oh, I really like
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:That and punk ellian were the two best.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:I don't know if eighties had bad music. It was just right after grandma and Grandpa passed. So I have different emotions associated with that show.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Oh, that exposed you to so much, so many different styles of music too, doing, going through that program for all those years.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:didn't like the emo show, but that's cuz that was over covid. So I had to listen to the same songs for like seven months and I just got so tired of them and I just didn't want to listen to them or play them ever again.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Fair enough. Yeah. Fair enough. Yeah. All right. Yeah. Favorite shows. I, I think the Jack White and and punk Ellucian were musically were by far the two best hands down.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Yeah. I think group wise too, both of those shows had good people in them
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:You could have taken either one of those, the punk ellucian one for sure. Like you could have taken like on the road to clubs and charged people money to watch that.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:well, so we did one song Second Wave of Goodbye by War and Women, and you posted that. On Instagram or Twitter or something, and the band saw it and they loved it, which is super cool.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:I think, I think Ed
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Was it Ed? I thought it was
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Ed, I think. I think Ed sent it to the band or shared it with the band.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:I think Ed did and then they, And they posted it on their Facebook page. Yeah. Yeah.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Lots of cool experiences that came out of.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Yeah. You know, the, the old 97 shared when you were like itty bitty, shared one of, one of your school of rock songs on their Facebook page, and that was really cool.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:meet him,
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:yeah. You know, Roger Waters
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:okay. He mentioned us by name.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Well, he mentioned is by name a couple nights later, cuz I wrote the, the blog thing about the experience. But, but then you would, like, he had the, his Instagram post where you were like all backstage hanging out with him. I mean, it was, it was, I burp, I'm gonna try again. It was, it was experiences that most people don't get to have in a lifetime that you compiled well before, like you became a teenager, which I thought was
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:No, I have so many fun experiences and I, I, I'm very privileged to have been able to have those experiences. It's not, you know, I mean in order to do that stuff you have to be financially stable too. So I'm very grateful that you and mom were able to put money towards that cuz it made me into the person that I am
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Our pleasure, but you are, You are very welcome. That's part of our job is finding, finding what you have a passion for, and then throwing money at
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:It was horseback riding and then I had to stop that cuz the school had broke.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:It couldn't be both.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Too expensive for both
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:yes, it was definitely one or the other. And, and time too. Like you just don't, like it was a commitment of that. They both are, would've been like, substantial commitments of time. And so we just, we were like, you gotta pick one. And the guitar felt right. So there it was.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Yeah. I mean, I knew plenty of my friends did horseback riding. None of them played guitar, so.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Very, very, very, very true. Well, I don't know if you want it to be different, but it's just Yes. All right. Alright, Norm Marie, where can people find you? Besides here on the old podcast?
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Everyone can find me at Nora Marie Music everywhere,
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:It's a.com. That's Facebook, Instagram.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:with an H.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Dot com will give everyone listings of your gigs should they want to come see the music, like live and in person. So you have some a few coming up over the next few months. So, and we're
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:most of them will probably be in the summer, but I'll probably get a couple in the fall, a couple more in the winter.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:Yeah, we're continuing to add
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Maybe I'll go on a little tour over the summer. If, if listeners. Would be interested. You can email us at Nora and Dad show, I think. Is that the email? Nora and Dad
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:no. And Dad show@gmail.com. Yep.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:If you would be interested in a show, what city you would like and maybe I will plan something.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:We can fire up the old tour
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:I need to get a tour bus.
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Well we need to get your car back first.
dad_4_10-02-2022_193035:We need, we need to get my car back first. Yeah, that's, We can use, we can use the, we can use the Subaru as the tour bus if we ever get it back. Ugh. All right. You can find me at John Hyman everywhere. We will be back in two weeks with another episode of the old Nora and Dad Show Nora. Love you
norah_4_10-02-2022_193035:Love you too.